We were so happy to welcome our K-5th grade students back to Stepping Stones after a chilly winter break. Last semester in Kids Worship and Stepping Stones, we looked at the Old Testament and how God’s amazing plan to redeem the world began long before the arrival of Jesus. We learned that God has a plan, He is in control, and we can trust him. This semester we are focusing on the lives of Jesus and his followers.
One fun addition for the grown-ups is our hospitality station in the entry room upstairs! We welcome anyone bringing kids to Stepping Stones to stick around, grab a snack, and hang out while the kids are in class
As for Revive; new semester, new leaders, same goal… that’s the message we started our spring semester with earlier this month. These next few months may be a time of transitions and changes but we want our students to know one important thing: no matter who stands up and leads Revive, their goal will always be the same, and that is to help them grow in the love and knowledge of Christ.
Our current lesson series is called Anything But Ordinary and covers stories from the life of Christ. Our students will learn that when they encounter Jesus in a real way, the results are anything but ordinary!